What is a caveat?

Caveat is a preventive relief available to citizens. This gives them the immediate intimation from the court whenever an opposite party approaches the Court with some prayer. When an application is made in a suit or proceeding or a proceeding to be instituted, any person claming a right to appear before the court on the hearing of such application may lodge a Caveat. A person can avail this right if he anticipates filing of a suit or other proceedings by any other person affecting his interests.

A person lodging a caveat (Caveator) shall serve a notice of the Caveat by registered post, on the person by whom the proceeding may be initiated. After the caveat has been lodged, if any application is filed, the Court shall serve a notice of the application on the Caveator.

A Caveat shall remain in force only for ninety days, after which a fresh Caveat can be filed. A caveat cannot be filed in criminal matters.

Consumer protection

The enactment of the Consumer protection Act 1986 was an important milestone in the history of the Consumer movement in India. The Act was made for the better protection and promotion of consumer rights through the establishment of Consumer Councils and Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies. These agencies include Consumer Forums at district level, State Commission at state level and National Commission at national level.

These agencies attempt to provide simple, inexpensive and speedy justice to the consumers with complaints against defective goods, deficient services and unfair and restrictive trade practices. In comparison to the proceedings in normal civil courts the proceedings before these agencies are faster and less technical. Many consumers prosecute their matters even without the assistance of advocates before these agencies. In Karnataka, the Bangalore Urban District Consumer Forum is located at Cauvery Bhavan and the State Commission is situated at Basava Bhavan near Chalukya Hotel.

Complaints where the value of goods or services and the compensation does not exceed Rupees twenty lakhs shall be filed before a District Forum and those between 20 lakhs and one crore shall be filed before the State Commissions and those exceeding 1 crore shall be filed before the National Commission.

Appeals against the order of District Forums have to be field before State Commissions and appeal against the orders of Sate Commissions have to be field before the National Commission.

Right of private defense

Chapter IV of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 contains some interesting rights available to a citizen, from sections 96 to 106 under the caption, “Right of Private Defense”. This is an exceptional area where the law permits the victims to react, when they themselves or their fellow beings are subjected to an offence. In fact nothing is an offence under the eyes of law, which is done in the exercise of private defense.

Every person has a right, subject to few restrictions enumerated in section 99 IPC, to defend his own body and of any other person, against any offence affecting human body or to defend his or another person’s property where such property is subjected to offences of theft, robbery, mischief etc. The right of private defense of the body extends even to causing harm or death of the assailant, if the offence one faces, is that which causes a reasonable apprehension of death, rape, unnatural lust and kidnapping. In the cases of other lesser serious offences, the victim can cause reasonable harm to the assailant during the exercise of the right of private defense.

There are, however, few restrictions to the exercise of this valuable right. This right cannot be exercised against a public servant acting in good faith, under the color of his office, which does not cause a reasonable apprehension of death or grievous hurt, thought his act may not be strictly justifiable under law. Similarly, if there is sufficient time for the victim, to have recourse to the protection of authorities, then this right cannot be exercised. Also a person cannot inflict more harm on the assailant than that is necessary for the purpose of defense.

It is interesting to note that this right is available not only to victims of offence, but it also permits others to interfere if another person or property is subjected to an offence.

Offence of cheque bouncing

Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, was introduced in the year 1989 which made the dishonor of cheques, for various reasons, enumerated therein, a punishable offence. The present punishment is imprisonment for a term, which may extend to two years or with fine, which may extend to twice the amount of cheque, or with both.

A cheque needs to be presented within 6 months of the date of drawing, to the bank. After the cheque gets dishonored, the payee has to make a demand by giving a notice in writing to the drawer of the cheque, within 30 days of the receipt of information from the bank regarding the dishonor of the cheque. The payee need to wait for another 15 days after the said notice is served on the drawer to see whether the drawer is making the payment of the cheque amount. If, within 15 days, the drawer does not make the payment, the payee can file a complaint before the jurisdictional magistrate, within 30 days. It is interesting to note that such a complaint cannot be filed before the police authorities.

There are special courts in Bangalore to try cheque-bouncing cases. In addition to the criminal prosecution, a person can approach the civil court for the recovery of the money under the same cheque. Hence a person has double remedy under the law. In a prosecution for an offence of cheque dishonor, the defenses available to an accused are very limited. Most of the recent decisions of various High Courts and the Supreme Court are in favour of conviction in matters of Cheque bouncing.

What is anticipatory bail?

The Code of Criminal procedure 1973 provides the valuable right of Anticipatory Bail to a person who apprehends arrest in a non-bailable offence. This power to enlarge a person on anticipatory bail is vested only in High Court and Court of Sessions. After a person is enlarged on anticipatory bail in connection with an offence, if an officer in charge of police station arrests him, then he shall be immediately released on bail and shall not be subjected to unnecessary restraints.

The Court granting anticipatory bail may impose few conditions like to be present for interrogation before the investigation officer, not to induce or threat witnesses, not to leave the country without the permission of the court etc. The pendency of investigation is not a ground to refuse anticipatory bail. Even after the summons is issued to an accused person from the court, he can be enlarged on anticipatory bail, if the court thinks fit. The anticipatory bail granted will continue till the conclusion of trial or its cancellation.

It is not compulsory that the FIR should be registered against a person or that his name shall be there in the FIR to be eligible for applying for anticipatory bail. What is required is that there should be a reasonable apprehension of arrest by the person applying. It can be filed at a place where the accused apprehends arrest.

What amounts to contempt of courts?

Contempt of Court may be Civil Contempt or Criminal Contempt. Civil Contempt means willful disobedience to any judgment, decree, direction etc., or a willful breach of an undertaking given to a court. Criminal Contempt means the publication of any matter or doing of any act which scandalizes or lowers the authority of any court; or which prejudices or interferes with the due course of any judicial proceeding; or interferes or obstructs the administration of justice. The Contempt of Courts Act 1971 defines and limits the powers of courts in punishing contempt of courts and regulates the procedure involved therein.

However a fair and accurate report of judicial proceedings does not amount to contempt. Similarly fair criticism of judicial acts and fair comment on the merits of any case, which has been heard and finally decided, also does not amount to contempt.

High Court is the competent court to punish contempt of courts subordinate to it and also of itself. A contempt of court may be punished with simple imprisonment for a term, which may extend to six months or with fine, which may extend to two thousand rupees or with both. The limitation period for institution of any proceedings of contempt is one year from the date on which the contempt is alleged to have been committed.

Prohibition of dowry

The Dowry prohibition Act, 1961 prohibits the giving or taking of dowry. Dowry means any property or valuable security given by one party to a marriage to the other party to the marriage, at or before or any time after the marriage, in connection with the marriage of the said parties.

If any person gives or takes dowry, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than five years, and with fine which shall not be less than fifteen thousand rupees. If any person demands any dowry from the parents or relatives of a bride or bridegroom, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 6 months, but which may extend to two years and with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees. However, presents which are given at the time of marriage to a bride or bridegroom, without any demand, in that behalf does not constitute dowry. But such presents are to be entered in a list as prescribed under the Dowry Prohibition Rules.

If any person, through any advertisement, offers any share in his property or any money or a share in his business as consideration for the marriage of his son or daughter or if any person prints or publishes any such advertisement, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 6 months, but which may extend to 5 years, or with fine which may extend to fifteen thousand rupees.

Power of arrest

A Police officer has the power to arrest any person without a warrant,  (a) who has been concerned in a cognizable offence or against whom a reasonable complaint has been made (b) who has in his possession any, implement of house breaking, without lawful excuse,(c) who is a proclaimed offender (d) in whose possession stolen property is found (e) who obstructs a police officer in the execution of his duty, or who has escaped or attempts to escape from lawful custody and (f) who is a deserter from the armed forces of the Union.

When any person commits a non-cognizable offence in the presence of a police officer and refuses to gives his name and residence or gives a false name or residence, then he may be arrested by such officer in order to ascertain his name or residence.

A private person may arrest or cause to be arrested any person who in his presence commits a non bailable and cognizable offence, or any proclaimed offender, and without unnecessary delay, shall make over or cause to be made over any person so arrested to a police officer, or, in the absence of a police officer, take such person or cause him to be taken in custody to the nearest police station.

If a person forcibly resists the endeavor to arrest him, or attempts to evade the arrest, the police officer may use all means necessary to effect the arrest. However the police officer shall not cause of the death of a person, while trying to arrest, who is not accused of an offence punishable with death or with imprisonment for life.

What is a FIR?

Section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 deals with the formalities pertaining to the recording of the First Information Report, or more popularly known as FIR. When information relating to the commission of a cognizable offence, is given orally to an officer in charge of a police station, it shall be reduced into writing by him or under his direction. The matter so written shall be read over to the informant and such information whether given in writing or reduced to writing shall be signed by the person giving the said information. The substance of the said information shall be entered in a book to be kept by such officer.

A copy of the FIR shall be given immediately to the person who gives the information, free of cost. The said officer shall immediately send a copy of the FIR to the jurisdictional magistrate. The police officer has no power to refuse the registration of an FIR. Further there shall be no delay in registering the FIR. If the police officer refuses to register an FIR, then the aggrieved person can approach the superior officers.

The officer in charge of a police station can investigate a cognizable offence without the order of a magistrate. Investigation of a cognizable offence comes after the registration of FIR. After the receipt of an FIR, the officer in charge of a police station, shall proceed in person or depute one of his subordinate officers to proceed to the spot to investigate the case and if necessary, to take measures for the discovery and arrest of the offender.

All about will

“Where there is a will there is a way,” goes the age-old adage. Obviously, a properly drafted Will ensures smooth succession in property matters. A Will is a statement made by a person stating the manner in which his property must be distributed after his death. The person making the will is called testator. The person whom the testator bestows benefits in his will is called legatee or beneficiary. If the testator bequeaths all his property to one beneficiary through a will, such a person is called a universal legatee. Sometimes the testator may appoint a person to give effect to his will after his death. Such a person is called an executor.

It is not compulsory to register a will. If registered it does not require the payment of stamp duty. A will should have at least two witnesses who shall sign the document in the presence of the testator, and at the request of the testator and in the presence of each other. A witness cannot take benefit under the will to which he is a witness.

A certificate proving a will issued by the court is called a probate. A beneficiary or the executor may apply the court for the same. If a person writes more than one wills, the last will have preference over others.

Any person of sound mind and above eighteen years of age can dispose off his property by writing a will. An amendment to a will is called a codicil. A testator can revoke a will during his lifetime.

A will must be in writing. However soldiers, airmen and sailors while they are in action may pronounce their will orally in presence of two witnesses. Such wills are called privileged wills.