Posts tagged ‘FIPB’


1. What is FIPB?
A. FIPB stands for Foreign Investment Promotion Board. This is a government body which offers a single window clearance for proposals on Foreign Direct Investment in India.

2. What types of foreign investments are approved by FIPB?
A. Investments which are not through the Automatic Route require the approval of FIPB.

3. Are the recommendations of Foreign Investment Promotion Board final?
A. No. Recommendations of Foreign Investment Promotion Board, for foreign investment proposals not more than Rupees Six Hundred Crore will  be considered and approved by the Finance and Company Affairs Minister. Investment proposals beyond Rupees 600 crores would be initially recommended by Foreign Investment Promotion Board and thereafter sent to Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs for decision.

4. Under which ministry is FIPB placed?
A. FIPB is placed in the Department of Economic affairs under the Ministry of Finance.

5. Which department looks after Foreign Investment Policy?
A. The Foreign Investment Policy is looked after by DIPP (Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion).

6. Where is the office of FIPB?
A. At North Block, New Delhi.

7. What is the normal time frame for an approval from FIPB?
A. Six weeks.