Posts tagged ‘farms’

Co-operative farms

The Karnataka Land Reforms Act 1961 provides for formation of co-operative farms. A minimum of 10 persons, holding a minimum of 50 acres of land in a village may apply to registrar of Co-operative Society to register themselves as a co-operative farm. After making necessary enquires the registrar may register the Co-operative farm and issue certificate of registration.

After registration, the possession of lands held by the individual members stands transferred to the Co-operative Farm. If a new member is admitted as a member of a Co-operative farm after registration, the possession of his land also shall stand transferred to the co-operative farm. A co-operative farm shall form necessary byelaws and a copy of the proposed byelaws shall accompany the application for registration. Only the Registrar can effect an amendment to the byelaws. Every member of a Co-operative Farm shall contribute funds, personal labor and agricultural implements, stocks etc.

After the formation of a Co-operative Farm, it shall be the liability of a farm to pay land revenues and other dues of the land, which is possessed by it. A Co-operative Farm is entitled to various concessions such as reduced land revenues, reduction or exemption of agricultural income- tax, free technical advice, grant of subsidies, financial aids, loans with or without interest etc.